Does Goat Soap Melt? Protect Your New Favorite Soap

Like candles are made from wax that melts at a relatively low temperature, soaps are made from fats and oils. Because some fats and oils are solid at one temperature and liquid at another temperature, depending on the soap, it can be at risk to melt.

So what about goat milk soap specifically? Let’s find out.

does goat soap melt

Quick Answer: Does Goat Soap Melt?

The quick answer is that goat soap can melt depending on a few factors, though it is not too easily susceptible to melting as long as you follow a few general rules.

Factors Affecting the Stability of Goat Milk Soap

Because goat soap contains goat’s milk, many people often get nervous that it will spoil or melt quickly or easily. After all, if you leave the cow’s milk you got at the store on the counter, it spoils really fast. When goat’s milk has been incorporated into soap, it doesn’t raise the same concerns as standard dairy products. However, there are a few factors that can affect the stability of goat milk soap.


Storage is one of the major factors affecting the stability and shelf life of goat milk soap. Like any soap, it contains oils and fats that can break down or become rancid if they are not stored properly.

Goat milk soap can also melt if it is exposed to high temperatures or excessive moisture. This means that if it sits on the sill of a sunny window or is constantly taking on the steam from hot showers, the oils in goat milk soap can melt or spoil. Don’t worry, below we will tell you how to store it properly.


Some oils have a lower melting point than others which means that how easily goat milk soap will melt depends on which oils were used to make it and in what ratios. For instance, coconut oil will melt easier than palm oil so if a goat milk soap formula was made with a high ratio of coconut oil, it will be more susceptible to melting.

The quality of ingredients makes a difference as well. Low-quality ingredients tend to make soap soften much more quickly than high-quality ingredients.

Recipe/Soap-Making Process

The recipe and process used to make goat milk soap can affect the stability and shelf-life, too, as there are chemical changes that must happen to create the structure. Additionally, skipping steps like the curing stage will cause goat milk soap to be susceptible to spoiling or melting even if you store it properly.

How To Store Goat Soap To Prevent Melting

How To Store Goat Soap To Prevent Melting

To prevent goat milk soap from melting or becoming damaged, it is best to store it in a cool, dry place away from direct sunlight and moisture. This means that you should avoid windows, places near the oven or stove, and any place that is not temperature controlled like the garage.

Additionally, to avoid excess moisture, if you are going to store your goat milk soap in the bathroom, ensure it is in a closed cabinet and never store your excess bars of goat soap in the shower. Only keep the one you are currently using out and the others stashed away in a cool, dry place.

Extend The Shelf Life of Goat Soap

In addition to proper storage, you can extend the shelf life of goat soap and prevent easy melting by choosing a reputable soapmaker that uses quality products and a reliable formulation and soap-making process.

If you are making goat milk soap at home, be sure to follow a reliable recipe and use high-quality ingredients to ensure the soap is stable and long-lasting. You can also add natural preservatives or antioxidants to help extend the shelf life of the soap.

Bottom Line

Bottom Line

Overall, while goat milk soap can melt under certain conditions, it is generally a stable and long-lasting product when stored and used properly. If you follow these few guidelines, there should be no problem with your goat soap melting or going rancid.