Are you looking for a more natural way to control the weeds on your property? If so, you may be wondering if goats or sheep are the best option for you.
There are a number of benefits to using goats or sheep for weed control. For one, they are much more eco-friendly than herbicides or other chemicals. They are also very effective at clearing brush and other vegetation.
Of course, there are also some downsides to using goats or sheep for weed control. They can be expensive to keep, and they may not be the best option if you have a large area of land that needs to be cleared.
But, which is better for weed control – goats or sheep? The answer may surprise you!

Using Goats For Clearing Brush
Goats are known for their ability to eat a wide variety of plants, including weeds, brush, and even some woody plants. They are particularly good at controlling invasive species and can clear out areas of dense undergrowth.
Best Goats For Weed Control
The best goats for weed control are brush goats. Though brush goats aren’t actually a breed. Brush goats are often a cross between dairy goats and meat goats. Ideal brush goats are good-tempered, hardy, healthy, and resist parasites. It is helpful to have different-sized goats in your herd for weed control as they will eat different types of vegetation at varying heights. For instance, you may want a mix of Boer goats that can reach vegetation up to 7 feet tall mixed with Pygmy goats for smaller weeds. No matter what goats you choose for weed control, avoid any breeds with horns as they easily get caught up in fences and brush.
Sheep For Weed Control
Sheep, on the other hand, prefer to eat grasses and other plants with lower woody content. They are well-suited for maintaining pasture areas and can help control the growth of grasses and other ground covers.

Best Sheep For Weed Control
There are three main things to look for when choosing the best sheep for weed control– where their coat ends, their horn situation, and how interested they are in browsing. Sheep breeds that are not wooled on their faces and legs are ideal as the weeds do not get caught in their coat. You should also prioritize sheep without horns as the horns can get caught up in dense vines. Additionally, not all sheep have an interest in extensive browsing. Some find one area of a good food source and get a bit lazy, so look for a breed that likes to roam.
Other things to consider for the best sheep for weed control are the climate and size of the sheep. Some sheep withstand extreme temperatures better than others and varying heights will allow a herd to clear a pasture of weeds more effectively. The smaller sheep will get the lower plants while the taller sheep will be able to reach up high.

Final Considerations for Goats or Sheep For Weed Control
In general, goats are better suited for weed control in areas with dense undergrowth and woody plants, while sheep are better suited for maintaining open pasture areas. However, the specific breed and individual animal's preferences may also play a role in their effectiveness at weed control.
It is important to note that using goats or sheep for weed control requires careful management to ensure they do not overgraze or damage desirable plants. A professional in this field can provide guidance on best practices for using goats or sheep for weed control.