The Ultimate Guide to De-Pooping Your Goat Pen: Tips and Tricks to Keep Your Barn Clean!

Goats are adorable and charming animals that can provide their owners with fresh milk and entertainment. However, keeping goats also means dealing with their poop. Cleaning up after goats can be a daunting task, but it's essential to maintain a healthy and hygienic environment for the animals. Let’s discuss how to clean up goat poop and keep your goat pen fresh and clean.

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How To Clean a Goat Pen

The first step in cleaning up goat poop is to put on some gloves to protect yourself from any harmful bacteria or parasites that may be in the waste. Then you’ll want to remove as much of the poop as possible using a shovel, rake, or pitchfork. Put the waste in a bucket or sealed container to keep the smell and flies down while you complete the process. It's important to remove the poop promptly to prevent the buildup of bacteria and ammonia in the goat pen, which can cause respiratory problems for the goats.

Once you've removed as much poop as possible, you will need to dispose of it. There are a few ways to do this. You can compost it, use it as fertilizer for your garden, or dispose of it in the trash. If you choose to compost the poop, make sure you follow proper composting procedures to ensure that the compost is safe to use. 

Then, you’ll want to clean the goat pen. You can use a hose or a pressure washer to rinse the area thoroughly. Make sure you aim the water away from the goats to avoid splashing them. You can also use a diluted solution of vinegar or bleach to disinfect the area and neutralize any odors.

In addition to cleaning up the poop, it's also important to maintain a clean and dry goat pen. Goats are susceptible to various health problems such as foot rot and mastitis, which can be caused by standing in wet or dirty conditions. Therefore, it's essential to keep the goat pen clean and dry at all times. You can use a clean, dry bedding material such as straw, hay, or wood shavings to absorb moisture and provide a comfortable surface for the goats to lie on. 

Tip: Let your goat pen dry out a bit before laying down fresh, dry bedding after cleaning otherwise the bedding will just become wet itself.

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Stall Freshener For Goats

To keep your goat pen fresh and clean, you should also consider using a stall freshener specifically designed for goats. These products contain natural ingredients such as baking soda, essential oils, and zeolite that absorb moisture and neutralize odors. You can sprinkle the stall freshener over the bedding or the floor of the goat pen to keep it smelling fresh and clean.

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Moveable Electric Fences

Another way to keep your goat pen clean is to use a movable electric fence. A movable electric fence for goats allows you to rotate the goats to different areas of your property, which helps prevent the buildup of poop in one area. It also allows the goats to graze on fresh pasture, which provides them with essential nutrients and prevents them from getting bored or stressed.

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Key Takeaways

Cleaning up goat poop is an essential part of goat husbandry. Removing the poop promptly, rinsing the area thoroughly, disinfecting the area with a diluted solution of vinegar or bleach, and using a stall freshener can help keep your goat pen fresh and clean. It's also important to maintain a clean and dry goat pen, use clean bedding materials, and consider using a movable electric fence to rotate the goats to different areas of your property. By following these tips, you can ensure that your goats stay healthy, happy, and clean.

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